Tickets for each production go on sale first by way of the ticket-line number below at dates announced on our News page and Blackmore Theatre Facebook page and then, subject to ticket availability, one week prior to the opening performance at our Theatre Box Office (between 10am and 12pm). Please note, if there are limited tickets available or tickets have completely sold out before the Box Office opening date, then we reserve the right not to open the Box Office at all.

The disabled seats are fully useable although marked on the seating plan where we are able to put a wheelchair next to the seat purchased.

Please check regularly on our Welcome and News pages and/or our Blackmore Theatre Facebook page for all information on ticket sales, which will be updated from time to time. We ask you to book your tickets by calling the ticket-line from each ticket release date we announce to avoid disappointment.

Tickets are currently priced at £14 per performance for Exmouth Players own productions (subject to change). External productions may have different prices.

Concessions may apply to some, but not for all, productions, and may vary from time to time. Details of these can be found by clicking on the name of each production on the What’s On Page.

Any person under the age of 16 years must be accompanied by an adult.

Theatre ticket-line: 07484 509514

Between 9.30am and 7pm daily. (leave a voicemail if required with name and contact details)
We are happy to accept cash, cheque or card payments.

Ticket are also available from the Theatre foyer one hour before each performance, subject to availability. Doors open 45 minutes before each performance with tea, coffee and drinks available from the Bar Area.

PLEASE NOTE: No Ticket Refunds and/or Exchanges.

Theatre seating plan

Theatre seating plan

Access to raked sets is from the centre aisle only.


It’s advised to pre-order your interval drinks at the bar which is also open for a post show drink until 11 pm where you can relax and may even get a chance of meeting some of the cast before heading off home. What a way to end the evening or afternoon.

Disabled access

Disabled access is available via a lift at the rear of the foyer and wheelchairs can be accommodated, by arrangement, when booking your seats.

We all keep dreaming, and luckily, dreams really do come true.

Katie Holmes

Enemies are so stimulating.

Katherine Hepburn

Dream as if you’ll live forever. Live as if you’ll die today.

James Dean